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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Life Lessons #2

Updated: May 16

We have been born and have grown up captive by the System. All of us have been socially conditioned with “vampiric (egoic)” traits.

In this sense, we are all victims, and no one is to blame.

However, it IS our responsibility to free ourselves. We need to stand in front of the mirror and take a good look at our lives and decision-making processes.

The strategies that are used to "feed off" other people's energy are:

  • Intimidation/violence.

  • Pity or the "poor me" victim mentality.

  • Withholding attention or the "cold shoulder."

  • Constantly criticizing and looking for faults in others.

None of these dynamics are supportive or conducive to finding win-win situations, balance or unity.

So, without judgment, I invite you to be honest with yourself in order to find out the predominant energy-stealing patterns you have been infected with as a coping mechanism for survival.

Once you have targeted the behavior, you will be more aware of when it is being used in yourself or by another, and you will be able to sidestep the Ego's control over you and the situations.

The less energy given to the Ego, the stronger you become and the closer you are to healing from the System's influence and manipulation.

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