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  • Writer's picturelau castro

The Time Is Now

Your mind is not limited by material density. It can ignore the present moment and travel to the past or future. Your body, however, can only inhabit the here and now.

Every time we remember something that “has already happened” or use our imagination to try to predict "What will happen?" we lose the connection to the Present. This back-and-forth can drive anyone crazy.

When your mind yearns to be somewhere else, but your body is in the present, it causes a great deal of anxiety, stress, and depression. A shitload of other toxic emotions leads to fucked up behavior patterns.

Look around and observe our society, our collective deteriorating state of mind. Will you tell me “we're okay” and that “everything’s fine”? Bullshit.

Yet, this is the reality that we live in.

Learn to meditate. Live life from the Present. This does not mean "forget about the future." It means learning from the past and planning for the future through today's decisions.

Accept that nothing is guaranteed. Pay attention, with all your senses, to each moment, and appreciate it while you can, for you will not pass this way again.

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