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  • Writer's picturelau castro

What Do You Believe in?

If we think the world is a living hell, we will have many experiences that justify this idea... the "list" of what's wrong is a long one.

There is still a lot of good out there too: beautiful places in nature, kind and aware human beings, and moments of joy in the simple things (to name a few).

Stay focused on the positive aspects of reality, no matter how much sh*t we swim through. We will still have to deal with a lot of BS, but we will be able to keep our heads out of the "sewage water" instead of drowning in it.

In other words, if you want a change, you have to start by believing that change is possible within yourself.

A person without inspiration, dreams, goals, or motivation is VULNERABLE and easily manipulated by the System.

There's a saying: "Hope is the last man (or woman) standing."

What do you believe in?

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