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  • Writer's picturelau castro

To Drink Or Not To Drink?

That is the question...

Did you know that according to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 221.3 million people ages 12 and older consume alcohol in the USA? Do you think it's gotten any better in the last couple of years? We're talking about over 60% of the population!

Realize how much money is put into music, movies, and commercials that lead you to believe that "fun" (a universal need) is synonymous with an alcoholic beverage in your hand.

This industry conveniently sweeps under the rug the consequences to overall health, the accidents, and violence that occur under the influence by spending an estimated six BILLION dollars a year on advertisements and promotions alone.

Guess how much money they make?... over $304 billion...

"Fuck health and well-being"... It's all for profit.

Have you ever questioned why a substance that is outright poison, and has been proven to impair your judgment, is LEGAL?

To deal with our emotions, we are programmed to drink beverages that numb us to reality. Instead of learning coping skills to manage life's challenges, we are told, "Here, have a drink..."

Just because "everyone does it" does not make something right or good. If we stopped consuming, there would be many angry people with the energy and willingness to take action.

The System wants us drunk.

Alcohol is one more tool to keep us subjugated.

It is pure toxic manipulation of the masses.

Is it worth giving your power away in exchange for a "few drinks?"

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