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  • Writer's picturelau castro

What Are Your Principles?

Emotions come and go. They can influence our decisions based on how we feel at the moment instead of what we truly believe in.

When we are having a shitty day, everything looks bleak. When we are having a good day, anything is possible. Sometimes our feelings get in the way of being able to look at reality objectively.

We must go deeper.

A principle is defined as "a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior."

Karma (the law of action and consequence) becomes Dharma when we apply the lessons learned and realized our life’s duty: to live authentically from the heart with Love and Compassion.

When we start doing what is right instead of succumbing to the idiocracy around us, we become a beacon; a light in the darkness. It does not make us immune to

life’s tribulations, but how we perceive life will stem from an expanded POV and vibration.

This changes everything.

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