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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Energy Vampires

The Ego is highly adaptable. It gets its power through identification and separation, making itself "right" and others "wrong." Its disguise can change, but the mental structure that keeps it alive remains the same no matter "the wrapping ."

You will find the Ego within the individual, in religion, corporations, governments, and also those that proclaim themselves as "spiritual."

Once we bring awareness to these egoic patterns, we are one step closer to re-establishing contact with our true energy Source, Nature.

When we no longer need to struggle to steal energy from each other, everything changes.

Although we may be impatient to get to this point, there are no "shortcuts" to enlightenment.

We need to remember that people are people, no matter the mask, and take things "with a grain of salt" before putting anyone on a pedestal.

We each need to do the inner work.

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