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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #1

Updated: May 9

The System needs us to consume its products in order to perpetuate its money/power intake (that which the System feeds off).

We are manipulated through constant bombardment in our social media and through peer pressure from our fellow zombie-minded humans. The system does not have our best interest in mind, but it's own.

In survival mode, there is no time for existential musings and little energy to question:

What do we do with the underlying frustration born from the subtle injustices we face on a daily basis?

Without a chance to get to know who we are under the rubbish piled upon us as we trudge along paycheck to paycheck, the emotional traumas we carry continue to build until we either explode or break.

To take our power back, we need to be aware of the strategies and dynamics used to keep us blinded to the truth of our predicament.

Not only is a better quality of life possible, but humanity deserves it.

Change begins within each of us... together.

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