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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Alone vs Lonely

When there are no other people around, you are not alone. You are with yourself. When there are other people around. Even if you still feel alone, you are not. You are with yourself.

 When you wake up and when you go to sleep, in your triumphs and your weaknesses, you are the one who is always there with you.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, that person looking back at you has a place in life.

That person knows you better than anyone. He/she knows your struggles and dreams.

Sometimes, we are so focused on the external world that we forget ourselves. We forget this person within.

If we abandon ourselves long enough, resentment is created, and this lack of self-love becomes projected outward. We feel lonely.

Come back to yourself.

We look outside for that which we lost within because we weren't paying attention.


Imagine you had the best partner in the world who wants the best for you and will be there until the day you die.

You don’t have to imagine it anymore. Be that person for yourself.

Spend time getting to know yourself again.

Take yourself out to dinner.

Go for a hike.


Sleep well.


Do what you need to do to heal the rift between you and yourself. Bridge the gap.

Stand up for yourself.

You deserve it.

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