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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #10

The Ego-brain is an impatient spoiled brat, an extremist, and a dictator. It tells us, “I’m right, and you’re wrong,” without room for negotiation. It is rigid and always thinks in absolutes.

Expanding and integrating the gray areas in Life is impossible when the Ego is in the lead.

Find the exit to the psychological labyrinth. Move "inward" and commit to reconnecting with nature and yourself.

It won't be easy. Just like cleaning out an infected wound, it can be very painful. Some may not be ready or decide that they prefer the confinement of the "circus" that is society. Do not judge, instead fill yourself with compassion. The System makes a game of breaking us.

 For those that harbor a spark of rebellion, keep going; the journey is long. Know that you are worth it. We are capable of so much more than what we have been taught.

This is the power of Love.

This is what the world needs more of.

Humans are capable of terrible things, but we also have the capacity for the highest good.

May we give ourselves the chance to experience how life would be if we were to heal.

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