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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Co-Creators of Reality.

Inside you are all the contents of your Being: attachments, fears, feelings of loneliness, sadness, desires, hopes, and happiness.

Many times, our “internal world” is more real to us than reality itself.

Remember, we see the world through the filters of our emotions. For example, when we are happy, the world looks amazing, but when we are unhappy, the world sucks. Many times, more than just our circumstances, it is our perspective that has changed. Our personal reality fluctuates, but the world remains the same. Just because we have a shitty day, does not necessarily mean that everything is crap, although it may feel that way.

Discernment and more awareness of ourselves are necessary skills we need to strengthen. This experiential way of living is precisely what the System doesn't want you to do. It wants you to react accordingly to its dogma, not think outside the box.

As long as you remain under the dominance of Ego programming, the development of your potential as a human be-ing will continue to be hindered. Once we return to our authentic self, we will also return to a sense of balance and harmony, not only within, but with our surroundings.

We need to re-establish our internal connection to Self and Source. We must begin re-programming the behaviors and beliefs that have kept us trapped in the illusion of false security and conformism.

In the meantime, to boost energy levels, instead of finding things to complain about, make a mental list of anything and everything you can be grateful for. No matter how bad the day, there will always be something good in it.

Start with the simple things and watch how your energy levels begin to rise the more things you find to be thankful about.

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