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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #9

We may not be enslaved people in the physical sense, but our minds are held captive by indoctrination from the earliest of ages.

Society Is A Circus, The System, Our Master.

We are disconnected from our natural environment and born into bondage by a set of made-up rules that dictate who we are supposed to be and how we are supposed to react regardless of our true nature.

We are being dumbed down. Our programming has nothing to do with fulfilling our potential as human beings and instead coerces us into obeying mindlessly, forfeiting our souls in the process.

The Ego has become our "exoskeleton" to protect ourselves, thus creating the internal chains that bind us.

The System encourages us to repress our desperation through an array of unhealthy distractions while we plunge further into madness.

We are misled to believe that spirituality is about endless positivity and happiness when, in truth, it is about acceptance of our full range of emotions and how to use these productively instead of self-destructing.

We have a right to be angry and frustrated! The list of injustices we face daily is not something to be happy about! Yet, if we remain in the victim mentality, we continue to give our power away.

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