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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Life Lessons #8

Updated: May 10

Upon our deathbeds, the smoke and mirrors disappear. Suddenly, we look back and realize that what was most relevant to us was not the status quo or the money we made.

Most important is the adventure of finding out who we really are, the loved ones we cherish, and our connection to Earth. In other words, life is about the people and places we love and the many experiences that touch our souls.

Why wait until it's too late to figure out what makes life worth living when we are alive right now at this moment?

Wake up.

Reconnect with nature and who you really are before they told you who you should be.

Leave the bullshit behind.

Be grateful for the simple things we have.

Have the courage to take destiny into your own hands instead of allowing circumstances to dictate the outcome.

This is the true rebellion... and part of the evolution of humanity.

Stop letting your ego take the lead, and set your mind free.

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