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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Where Did Common Sense Go?

Updated: May 16

Instead of learning how to think for ourselves, we are taught to repeat back that which is around us like parrots.

If we question the methods by which things are done, we are branded as "difficult," "problematic," or "antisocial." The answer we are given is "because that is the way it is."

We have been tricked; the concept of Common Sense is distorted. If things are the way they are, it's because we have accepted them as such. Thus, we are “dumbed down” and give our power away: the capacity to use our brains as intended. Then, we wonder why there is so little common sense in the world when it should be an innate ability.

The word "good" is relative. Good for who? Ourselves? The System? Those in power?

Who is the judge in the judgment? There are always minimum two sides to everything. Often, good or bad will depend on which side you are on.

Understand this: we live in a bubble that represents our "comfort zone." Healthy or not, it is what we are familiar with. To leave the comfort zone is to emerge from the bubble. Sometimes, we do it voluntarily, and sometimes, Life pops the thin film that keeps us stuck in conformity.

It is within this newfound vulnerability, where we might even feel a bit lost and depressed, but it is where we may find opportunity for growth.

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