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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #7

Our power of manifestation has been taken from us and substituted with a weak, superficial concept that toys with our need to feel accepted and whole.

Our focus has changed from internal contemplation to external stimulus, and we have lost ourselves on the way.

Society has made an art out of greed and the need to be "top dog ." To achieve this, Lies become the "truth" where the end justifies the means, and the value of coherence between what we say and do becomes lost.

In our effort to heal ourselves and, therefore, society, we must reconnect with our authentic be-ing, remember the power of our word and how to speak something into reality.

More than gender, race, religion, political views, or social status, we need to understand our identity as HUMAN be-ings. When we can do this, we will realize what unites us instead of focusing on what separates us.

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