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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #5

The money God has everyone by the balls. Beyond the government, it is the corporations that rule the people.

Do you believe that we are born on this Earth to spend over 45 years of our life energy working to "make money" just to pay the bills?

The wealthiest 10% owns an extremely disproportionate 93% of all household stock market wealth. Did you know that the lion's share of these gains goes to the richest 1% percent alone?

Is this the truth of capitalism?

Does it serve the best interests of society?

Is this what we call fulfillment?

Is this truly our destiny to be ruled by greed and fear?

In a material world, we have forgotten that we are also vibrational beings and everything is frequency.

Abundance is a frequency, and so is lack. By keeping us in "survival mode," hooked on consumerism, we are pawns of the System. There can be no equity.

It is in the combination of the return of "responsibility of Self," collaboration, and community that we, the people, have a chance to get our power back and create a better quality of Life.

A new paradigm is needed.

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