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  • Writer's picturelau castro


Sexual. Energy. X-change.

Sex is a compelling creative force of nature.

As much as we consider ourselves “superior” to the animal kingdom, we are still ruled by our hormones. Taking full advantage of this, the System has programmed us to “repress” our sexual urges and needs, knowing that this would have the opposite effect.

Thus, the intimate and meaningful connection where two people share an exchange of Life energy by uniting their bodies has been transformed into mindless acts of mutual masturbation.

In this way, a subconscious power struggle ensues, both irreverent and superficial, where energy is leeched with little respect for each other.

Sexual desire continues to be just as strong a compulsion but distorted. Instead of empowering us, it makes us weak and predisposed to manipulation. When we are horny, our rationality is thrown overboard. It is a tactic to distract us and keep us submissive.

Instead of heightened awareness and connection, s*x is covertly used as a weapon of domination. Its potential healing energies become but a means to numb ourselves and

momentarily forget the misery we live in to the point of addiction.

In this case, it is not Love but abuse.

By no means am I saying, “Don’t have sex.”

Sex is a natural part of Life.

The focus continues to be on Awareness.

It is about being responsible for your body and how you use it.

It is about healing from the stigma, guilt, and misinformation attached to this act.

It’s about taking into account mutual self-respect, self-worth, and self-love.

Take another look at all the marketing strategies, including those on social media and apps, or those you might use to get some attention.

More than judgment, it is about discernment. Ask yourself:

Is it about getting you to buy into something?

What are they selling you?

Is it Love, or is it just about “getting off”?

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