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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Hard Truths #4

Appearances rule society. To heal, we need to go deeper. Otherwise, we will continue to judge ourselves based on the images implanted in our minds tied to social standards.

 As long as we take things at face value, instead of appreciating our uniqueness, and treating ourselves with Love and kindness, we will find "faults" in every crease and dimple.

Many times, in our need to feel acceptance, we end up denying our authenticity, identifying who we are with our Ego.

Self-importance takes the place of self-worth, and the definition of a "successful" human being becomes dependent on how many "likes" we receive on the pictures that we post online.

Our natural need for physical interaction and community is being replaced with a virtual screen. In general, social media has become a distraction where instead of focusing on genuine connection, we waste time and energy comparing ourselves to everyone else.

The need for attention (rooted in childhood experiences) is often distorted and the feelings of lack of fulfillment are masked by a pretense that we have the "perfect" life.

Keep in mind that just because someone posts pictures on social media that make them look like they are "living the dream" does not mean that they have their sh*t together. It tells us nothing of their mental state or struggles. Frequently, it is a projection of who or what the person wants to be, but not necessarily who they are or what they are going through.

We are fooled into thinking "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."

The System uses social media to control the masses. Remember, it is a tool. What we see is based on algorithms that reflect what those in power need to influence our choices and points of view.

We have power too.

Let's take advantage of social media to spread awareness, reach out, and remind each other that we are united as a whole in our efforts to not only survive a corrupt System but bring about changes conducive to a better quality of life.

Let's use the tools that we have and self-advocate to create solutions, and lift each other up instead of propagating more soap opera-type drama, division, banality, and egotism.

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