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  • Writer's picturelau castro

"I'm Fine"

Updated: May 15

Acknowledging Emotions.

By disassociating from our real emotions, we block ourselves from the possibility of changing our circumstances and healing. On top of this, years of repressed emotion

accumulate and become the cause of many physical and mental illnesses.

It’s ok to be angry, it’s ok to admit that you are not happy. These emotions are coherent with unjust circumstances. What would be weird is pretending to be something you are not.

Anger does not have to be destructive. The key is to harness the volcanic energy of anger in a productive manner that can fuel the change we need to create a healthier life for us!

It can give us the strength and courage to do what must be done and take a quantum leap into a different reality based on the principles and ideals lost to us through greed, corruption, and fear.

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