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  • Writer's picturelau castro

It's Time To Heal

Yeah, you’ve been hurt. Yeah, you have trauma, but what are YOU going to do about it?

We all live in this corrupt System. We can either continue playing the victim, giving our self-healing powers away or step up. It's time to heal.

Accept that this is the hand that you’ve been dealt, and work with yourself. If you don’t know what to do, that’s okay. We can learn new things; it’s called neuroplasticity.

Self-knowledge is a priority. Understand your triggers. Fill yourself with compassion instead of negative self-judgment. Find the humbleness to accept you’re fucked up, meditate, get some form of therapy if needed, and get over it.

There are plenty of self-help books and YouTube videos that can get you started if you don’t have the money to hire a professional.

Where there is a will, there is a way!

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