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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Consumerism In Today's World

Consumerism is the theory that individuals who consume goods and services in large quantities beyond those necessary for survival will be better off.

Look at the state of our world. Are we really "better off?"

This "theory" sounds more like the exploitation of our resources and a nesting place for greed where people become one more product to abuse and misuse for the financial gain of others.

With the disproportionate rise in taxes and interest rates of the prices of "goods and services," how are we supposed to be financially solvent? It's not like our salaries are going up to match the exponential increment in the cost of living.

It is harder and harder to even take care of basic needs such as food, housing, and health.

This is what our so-called "commodity" looks like nowadays.

We're getting fucked so that corporations can make a profit.

How much longer are we going to live like this?

Do we have a choice?

We need to start focusing on solutions. We, the people, need to work together and rebuild our sense of community.

To see a positive change, we must put petty differences aside and find our power through collaboration.

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