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  • Writer's picturelau castro

Being The Underdog

We are taught what qualities are considered virtuous and what qualities are considered faults.

Being a good person somehow has become synonymous with being taken advantage of.

It would seem that being trusting, honest, and sensitive in this world sets one up for failure.

Having a conscious moral compass can make you the underdog.

The System has been overrun with psychos and sociopaths dressed in fancy clothes and parading down red carpets.

Society is not made for sensitive people. Yet, this is what the world needs: more humans who care... And there are more of us than mainstream media wants you to believe.

Anyone with an inkling of awareness will find it hard not to feel frustrated or even depressed when observing the current state of the world.

We've all been bullied by traumatic events at different times in our lives. We've all fallen into unhealthy coping mechanisms for one thing or another.

Don't lose hope. Don't give up. If we do, the System wins.

Humbleness is a strength! Showing vulnerability takes courage. Kindness, empathy, and compassion is rebellion.

Love is still the answer.

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