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Lau C Brammer author of The Wisdom Of Mortality

Lau C. Brammer

Independent Author

Are you tired of feeling trapped in a sociopathic system that values profits over people ?

The Wisdom of Mortality: A Life Manifesto is dedicated to all who feel there is something seriously wrong with society, the "soul-sucking" system we live in, and the illusion of what we have been taught is "reality."

New Release

The Wisdom of Mortality: A Life Manifesto contains essential keys to

creating a more fulfilling and authentic life. Dive into the heart of the human experience, and be ready to face hard truths that offer transformative insights... 


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Lau C Brammer author of The Wisdom Of Mortality

About Lau C. Brammer

Lau is a Reiki Master, yoga instructor, and wellness therapist who discovered her purpose as a Spiritual Life coach while living in the rainforests of Costa Rica. Experiencing the benefits of her own self-discovery and healing processes, Lau is passionate about guiding others on their journey. She admires teachers such as... 

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